you have half of the money needed for the next upgrade
you can afford the next Upgrade
you can afford the next 3 Upgrades
you can afford the next 13 Upgrades and projected to get to the next level multiplier range. notice the full arrow
Color Levels & Earn Bars
big number: number of color levels (upgrades)
level boosts: multiplies revenue after certain levels (10-25-50 etc)
circular bar: percentage of levels upgraded until the next level boost
rainbow earn bars: color levels are maxed out
shows a forecast of the time remaining until the next color or machine progress. does not show anything if the forecast is more than 10 minutes
cheats: consumable inapp purchases to make your progress easier.
number on the button: amount of cheat selections available. increases as you progress in the game.
more: tap 'more' to see more details or select another cheat.